Manitoba needs tougher penalties for excessive speed and stunt driving.

Join CAA’s campaign to increase the penalties for excessive speeding and dangerous driving behaviours.

The issue.

Manitobans are at risk

Excessive speeding and stunt driving behaviours in Manitoba have recently exploded due to reduced traffic on the roads. All forms of excessive speed and stunt driving can cause crashes resulting in serious injury or death to drivers, passengers and innocent people. These behaviours put us all in danger.

What is excessive speed and stunt driving?

Excessive speed is exceeding the posted speed limit by 50 km/h or more. Stunt driving actions include lifting a motor vehicle's tires from the road, intentionally losing traction, spinning, street racing, and aggressive behaviours including preventing other motor vehicles from passing or driving too close to other vehicles.

Why is CAA talking about this?

At CAA, we are focused on initiatives and actions to make our communities safer. We are asking you to join our efforts to make changes to the penalties for excessive speeding and stunt driving behaviours.

Safety is our number one priority. MPI, the RCMP and Winnipeg Police have all reported extreme driving behaviour during the COVID pandemic.

There are nearly daily media stories published about extreme speeding in Manitoba. CAA National recently conducted a member poll on dangerous driving during COVID.

Speeding drivers top the list, with 44% of Canadians saying they saw someone speeding in the last few months.

The challenge.

When education and enforcement are not enough, the next step is increased penalties. This is a similar approach that has been taken with issues like impaired and distracted driving.

The solution.

Common sense regulations that protect Manitobans

CAA is recommending the Government of Manitoba send a stronger message to those who engage in driving behaviours that risk the safety of everyone.

CAA is calling on the provincial government to bring in approaches that have had success in other jurisdictions. This includes immediate roadside penalties for drivers speeding 50 km/h or more over the posted limit, stunting or street racing, and higher or additional monetary fines and the vehicle being immediately impounded for seven days.

A sitting crowd with their hands in the air to vote.

Add your voice.

Sign the petition today

Hearing from drivers like you will help to create needed change.

Please join CAA's campaign to reduce dangerous driving and make our roads safer for all.