Your Premium News - August 2018

I’m renting a vehicle in the US, is there any auto insurance I can get here?
Yes, rental vehicle insurance is available through Autopac agencies across Manitoba. Here are a few important points about purchasing rental vehicle insurance:
- The primary renter of the vehicle must be the one to purchase insurance.
- Insurance can be purchased just before leaving or weeks in advance. You will need to know that you are the primary renter. Also, please be aware of the the pick-up date, and drop off-date. There is a minimum 3-day purchase requirement, and a maximum 90-day limit.
- Rental vehicle insurance: base fee $15 (registration fee), plus $7/day for vehicles rented in the USA (including Hawaii and Alaska).
- The customer can operate the vehicle in any province or state.
- MPI Rental vehicle insurance will cover everyone who is allowed to drive the vehicle, additional drivers will not require their own insurance.
- USA Rental Vehicle coverage includes $10 Million third party liability, $100 deductible, Lessee Loss of Use – $39.02 per day to a maximum of $1,171.00, until the policy expiry. Lessor Loss of Use – $39.02 per day to a maximum of $1,171.00, until the vehicle is back in service.
- If your trip gets cut short, you can cancel the remainder of the policy by bringing the insurance certificate to your Autopac agent. The $15 fee is non-refundable, but the daily premium is ($7/day for the US)! Refunds cannot be backdated.
- Customers must pay in full via cash, cheque, credit card (Visa/MasterCard), or debit card. Customers can leave post-dated cheques for future-dated policies. Deferred payments are not available.
More Autopac questions? Visit us in store for Autopac services or call 204-262-6065.

What exactly is Personal Accident Insurance and why should I purchase it?
CAA Manitoba’s Personal Accident Insurance Plan is protection in the event of the unexpected. Anywhere. Anytime. The plan protects Members against accidents that involve most forms of travel including cars, subway, bus, boats, taxi, farm vehicles and commercial airplanes. Coverage also extends to Members involved in an accident as a pedestrian. This plan is perfect for the Member who travels frequently, is not protected with life or accident coverage, or simply wants to top up their existing coverage to provide their family with security in the event of an accident.
Coverage is worldwide, has no medical application and provides great protection at a low premium with coverage levels to suit your needs.
This plan is built by CAA for CAA Members exclusively.

Does installing an alarm system, help me get a better rate on insurance?
Yes, installing a centrally monitored alarm system can save you money on your home insurance. If you reduce the likelihood of your home being burglarized or suffering water or fire damage by installing a monitored alarm, there is less chance you’ll file a claim. The insurance company passes on a portion of the savings as a discount. The discount varies depending on which insurance company you have, but you can usually save between 5% – 15%. Some companies offer different levels of discounts depending on what you have monitored: fire, burglary, water sensors, etc. If you are thinking of installing an alarm or have any questions about your insurance policy, please speak to one of our insurance brokers.
More Property Insurance questions? Visit us in store to speak to one of our insurance brokers or call 204-262-6065.
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What are some important questions or tips I should know about Travel Health Insurance?
You should purchase Travel Insurance if you leave Manitoba but are still travelling within Canada.
CAA does recommend that you purchase travel health insurance whenever you leave Manitoba even if you are still travelling within Canada. Manitoba Health generally covers physician care and hospital care. Additional out of pocket expenses such as air/ground ambulance, medication, emergency dental, vehicle return, family transportation, medical appliances & even pet return need to be considered.
Many people who have high blood pressure or certain health conditions ask if they can still get Travel Insurance.
In most cases CAA associates are able to provide a plan that meets your needs based on your health conditions. It is important to disclose all health conditions you may have in order to ensure appropriate coverage is provided. If you are over age 60 we have plans available with and without a medical declaration.
My credit card provides coverage for travel insurance, but I’ve heard it might not be enough…how can I find out?
I recommend that you contact your credit card provider to determine what benefits you have, as coverage may differ between card holders and may have changed since you first applied for your card. For more information contact a CAA associate who can provide you with our “Partly covered, isn’t covered checklist” which you can use when speaking to your credit card provider.
If you are travelling as a family, check out our family rate to see if it works for your family!
A family of 3 or more (spouse, children or grandchildren (under age 25)) is eligible for a family rate. Members would also receive a member discount.
Call us at 204-262-6000 for a travel insurance quote or get a quote online.