travel insurance
Compare Travel Insurance Plans
When you’re on vacation your focus should be on fun. That’s why we offer a range of travel insurance plans to help you get away with peace of mind.
Members save 10% on Travel Insurance*
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Which CAA Travel Insurance1 Plan is right for you?
- Family pricing2
- COVID protection3
- Emergency medical treatment
- Emergency dental expenses
- Telemedicine and House Call Services4
- Medical repatriation
- Non-medical emergency evacuation
- Living allowance
- Hospital allowance
- Family transportation
- Escorting children
- Return of remains
- Trip Cancellation insurance
- Trip Interruption insurance
- Baggage and Personal Effects insurance
- Holiday protection
- Travel Accident insurance
- Terrorism coverage
- Return home for family emergency
- Pre-Existing Medical Conditions Rider5
- Adventurous Air Activities Rider6
- Professional Sport and Participation in Speed Contest Rider6
- Single Trip Medical Canada Plan
- Single Trip Canada Vacation Package Plan
- Multi-Trip Medical Plan7
- Multi-Trip Vacation Package Plan8
- Deductible amount options are available

Visitors to Canada
We want your family and friends travelling to Canada to be worry-free, but accidents can happen.
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Top-up and Extensions
Top-up your existing coverage or extend your current plan so you can just keep travelling, knowing you’re covered.
Learn More Have more questions?

Speak with one of our experienced CAA Travel Consultants in-store or by phone at 1-844-647-8723.